wtorek, 5 listopada 2013

Growing up

Many kids look forward to being an adult. They dream about being on their own without patronizing teachers and parents who always know best. But very often the moment they enter into adulthood is the moment they realise that getting what you want always comes with strings attached. Becouse when you have to take the responsibility for all your actions, when you're forced to decide about your future on your own, is when you really start to appreciate being a child. Many teenagers or young adults don"t really know what to do with this freedom they were striving for. They feel overwhelmed and frustrated, scared that they won't live up to expectations imposed by society. Very often they're not even sure what they want to do with their life. On the other side, turning into an adult may feel like a great adventure. It's the time when we're very enthusiastic, we dream big, it seems like the sky's the limit. Nevertheless, i don't see a point in being in such a hurry to reach adulthood, I believe it takes time to grow up and there's no need to rush it.

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